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Africa Investment Forum Launches Roundtables to Boost Project Bankability

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Investment roundtables aim to address Africa's project bankability challenges.

description: an anonymous image of a diverse group of investors, government officials, and entrepreneurs engaged in discussions at a roundtable meeting focused on africa's project bankability and investment opportunities.

The Africa Investment Forum has launched a series of investment roundtables to overcome Africa's project bankability challenges and attract more investment into the continent. These roundtables bring together key stakeholders, including government officials, investors, and project developers, to discuss innovative solutions and strategies to make projects more attractive to investors.

Tidjane Deme talks about convincing investors to back Africa-focused tech funds amid a global funding slump. As the founder of Partech Africa, a venture capital firm focused on tech investments in Africa, Deme understands the importance of attracting investment to support the growth of the continent's tech ecosystem. He emphasizes the need for fund managers to showcase the potential of African tech companies and demonstrate the opportunities for high returns on investment.

Africa-focused fund managers have been invited to apply for the Obuntu Launchpad programme in order to advance their investment approach and expand their impact on the continent's economy. This program provides training, mentorship, and networking opportunities to help fund managers enhance their skills and knowledge in identifying and supporting promising African businesses.

With the right combination of innovation and risk management, Africa's government investment arms can have a powerful impact in key economic sectors. By investing in strategic projects and initiatives, government investment arms can drive economic growth, create jobs, and improve infrastructure in Africa. These investments can also attract private sector investment and support sustainable development across the continent.

TLcom, with a push into the biggest African tech markets of Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, and Egypt, aims to find companies capable of raking in high returns for investors. The venture capital firm focuses on early-stage tech startups with innovative solutions that have the potential to scale and disrupt traditional industries. By investing in these companies, TLcom aims to support the growth of the African tech ecosystem and generate attractive returns for its investors.

The US government's development finance institution, Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), has approved support to a $100 million investment fund. This fund will invest in projects that promote economic development, job creation, and sustainable growth in Africa. OPIC's support will help mobilize additional capital from private investors and contribute to the success of impactful projects across the continent.

Gathered at the AVCA private capital summit in Johannesburg, the African investment sector is calling on continental institutional donors to increase their support for investment in Africa. By partnering with institutional donors, the private sector can leverage additional funding and resources to drive investment in key sectors such as infrastructure, healthcare, and technology. This collaboration is essential for unlocking the full potential of Africa's economy and creating lasting impact.

FROM COMMITMENT TO ACTION: Accelerating investment in community health workforce programs in Africa. In December 2023, Dubai hosted a summit where stakeholders discussed the importance of investing in community health programs to improve healthcare outcomes in Africa. By mobilizing resources and expertise, stakeholders aim to strengthen health systems, train healthcare workers, and increase access to quality care for underserved populations.

New African and Africa-focused funds emerged last year, with several of the existing ones receiving fresh backing. These funds play a crucial role in supporting entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic growth in Africa. By attracting investment from institutional donors, private investors, and development finance institutions, these funds can drive positive change and create opportunities for sustainable development on the continent.

africainvestmentroundtablesproject bankabilitytech fundsobuntu launchpadgovernment investment armstlcomopicavcainstitutional donorscommunity health workforce programsentrepreneurshipdevelopment
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