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EPA to Give Nonprofits $20 Billion for National Clean Investment Fund

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EPA allocates $20 billion to nonprofits for national clean investment fund.

description: a diverse group of people working together to install solar panels in a community, symbolizing the collaborative effort to promote clean energy projects.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is about to give a handful of nonprofits $20 billion to make green lending accessible to more Americans. But first, it had to give the green light to the National Clean Investment Fund (NCIF), also known as the national green bank, which has $14 billion available for clean energy projects.

The funds are earmarked for nonprofit lenders that will make climate financing accessible to more Americans. This initiative aims to provide competitive grants to mobilize financing and leverage private capital for clean energy and climate projects that will benefit communities across the nation.

House Energy and Commerce Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee Chair Morgan Griffith (R-VA) recently delivered a statement emphasizing the importance of getting the climate law money out the door and into the hands of nonprofit financing institutions. The EPA is under a time crunch to ensure that the funds are distributed efficiently and effectively.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is set to announce the nonprofit lenders that will distribute $20 billion for environmental initiatives. This significant investment will play a crucial role in advancing clean energy projects and combating climate change on a national scale.

On June 28, the EPA opened the $7 billion Solar for All competition, aimed at increasing solar energy access for communities across the country. This competition is part of the agency's efforts to promote renewable energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The EPA is currently inviting applications for funding through October under two of three Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) investments. These investments will support initiatives that reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainability in various sectors.

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