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IAPD Conference Highlights Park District Achievements and Challenges

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Insights and updates from the IAPD conference for park districts.

description: a group of park district professionals gathered at the iapd conference, engaged in discussions and networking. the room is filled with banners and displays showcasing the achievements and services of various park districts.

CivicPlus is proud to be part of the IAPD/IPRA Soaring to New Heights Conference, the largest state parks and recreation conference in the nation. The event brings together professionals from park districts across Illinois to share best practices, network, and discuss the latest trends in the industry.

Craig Talsma, the executive director of the Hoffman Estates Park District (HEParks), received the coveted Illinois Association of Park Districts (IAPD) Outstanding Professional Award for his exceptional leadership and dedication to the community. This recognition highlights the hard work and commitment of park district professionals in providing quality recreational programs and services to residents.

Woodridge Park District President, Bill Cohen, was appointed sergeant-at-arms of the IAPD Board of Trustees, showcasing his continued involvement and contribution to the organization. This position reflects Cohen's commitment to upholding the values and mission of the IAPD in promoting and supporting park districts throughout Illinois.

Park District Director Andy Dwyer is gearing up for the upcoming Illinois Association of Park Districts conference, where he will have the opportunity to connect with industry peers, attend educational sessions, and explore innovative solutions to enhance park district operations and services.

A longtime member of the IAPD, Glenview Park District Commissioner Bill Casey was reelected as vice chairman of the IAPD Board of Trustees, underscoring his dedication to advancing the goals and initiatives of the organization. Casey's leadership will continue to drive progress and excellence within the park district community.

IAPD Steps Up to Protect Performance Plastics from Ham-Fisted Legislators. The International Association of Plastics Distribution (IAPD) is taking a stand against detrimental legislation that could impact the performance plastics industry. By advocating for fair and informed policies, the IAPD aims to safeguard the interests of its members and promote a thriving business environment.

The Performance Plastics Association is pleased to announce Deborah Ragsdale of Polymer Industries LLC's continued leadership with a second term as chairperson. Ragsdale's expertise and dedication to the industry will further strengthen the association's mission of promoting excellence and innovation in performance plastics.

Glenview Park District Commissioner Bill Casey's reelection as vice chairman of the IAPD Board of Trustees underscores his ongoing commitment to advancing the park district community and championing the interests of park districts across Illinois. Casey's leadership and vision will continue to drive progress and success within the organization.

As the end of the year approaches, many association professionals are contemplating whether to raise dues and by how much. The decision to adjust dues can have significant implications for the financial health and sustainability of the organization, requiring careful consideration and strategic planning to ensure long-term viability and growth.

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