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Fidelity's Recurring Investment Program Offers Easy Access to Fractional Shares

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Fidelity's automated investing accounts allow for easy access to fractional shares.

a person holding a smartphone with a stock market app open and a graph of stock performance on the screen. the person appears to be smiling and happy with the results.

Fidelity Investments, one of the largest brokerage firms in the United States, is making it easier for investors to invest in the stock market through its recurring investment program. The program allows investors to set up automated investments on a regular basis, making it easier to invest in the market over time. Additionally, Fidelity's program allows investors to purchase fractional shares of stocks and ETFs, making it easier to diversify their portfolio without having to invest a large amount of money at once.

Fractional share investing allows investors to purchase a stock or ETF with almost any amount of money rather than needing to have enough to purchase a full share. This is particularly beneficial for those who are just starting to invest or who don't have a large amount of money to invest all at once. By purchasing fractional shares, investors can still take advantage of the growth potential of the stock market while diversifying their holdings.

Fidelity's recurring investment program is available for both taxable and tax-advantaged accounts, including Roth IRAs. A Roth IRA is one of the best accounts for growing tax-free retirement savings, and it takes just 15 minutes to open one. See which Roth IRA options are the best for you by researching different brokerage firms and comparing fees and services offered.

In addition to its recurring investment program, Fidelity also offers a robo-advisor service. Robo-advisors are automated investment platforms that use algorithms to create and manage a portfolio for investors. The best robo-advisors charge low portfolio management fees and offer a range of services, including tax optimization.

If you're looking to open a new brokerage account to manage your portfolio of investments but aren't sure which one, many online investment firms offer low fees and easy-to-use platforms. Fidelity and E*TRADE both offer competitive automated investing accounts, but Fidelity is the best choice for those who want to invest in fractional shares.

After using M1 Finance for more than a year, here are five things to love and three things that could be improved about the app. M1 Finance is an online brokerage firm that allows investors to buy fractional shares of stocks and ETFs, making it easy to diversify a portfolio.

As for automated advice, Fidelity is the best choice for low-cost investments, but Charles Schwab offers lower advisory fees and more personalized advice. It's important to compare the fees and services offered by different brokerage firms before choosing one to manage your investments.

Two Say Technologies co-founders happen to be Acorns brass, too, and the two business models complement each other immensely. Acorns is a mobile app that allows investors to invest small amounts of money automatically. The app rounds up purchases made with linked cards and invests the difference into a portfolio of ETFs.

For existing users of Plynk, the company has rolled out a new Recurring Deposit Match promotion worth up to another $100. Plynk is a mobile app that allows users to send and receive money instantly with friends and family.

Overall, Fidelity's recurring investment program offers easy access to fractional shares and is a great option for those looking to invest in the stock market over time. Whether you're just starting to invest or have been investing for years, it's important to research different brokerage firms and compare fees and services to find the best fit for your investing needs.

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