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Adjusting Your Asset Allocation for Retirement: Why It Matters

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Learn why adjusting your investment portfolio as you near retirement is crucial.

why is it important to adjust the asset allocation of your investment portfolio as you get closer to retirement?

Asset allocation is the diversification of your retirement account across stocks, bonds, and cash. Your age is a primary consideration when determining how much to allocate to each asset class. The amount of time you have left before retiring is a major factor in determining what strategies may be most effective for your retirement savings.

As you approach retirement, it's important to adjust your asset allocation to reduce risk and increase stability. This means shifting your investments from more volatile stocks to less volatile bonds and cash. While significant market downturns can cause distress, you may find comfort in knowing that just a couple years of patience and spending from less volatile assets can help weather the storm.

Many beginning investors feel overwhelmed when trying to design and implement their investment portfolios. This detailed plan should help: Start by determining your retirement goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon. Then, consider how different asset classes can help you achieve those goals. Finally, create a diversified portfolio that balances risk and reward.

There are good reasons for changing an investment strategy, but trying to anticipate the market's direction can compromise long-term returns. Instead, focus on developing a long-term investment strategy that aligns with your goals. This should include a mix of asset classes that balance risk and reward.

With some careful planning, you can mitigate the impact of inflation on your retirement savings. Consider investing in assets that are likely to appreciate over time, such as stocks or real estate. Additionally, consider investing in inflation-protected securities, which are designed to keep pace with inflation.

Here's why it's essential to adjust your asset allocation over time: as you near retirement, your investment goals and risk tolerance may change. You may want to shift your portfolio from growth-oriented investments to income-generating assets, such as bonds and dividend-paying stocks. Additionally, you may want to reduce your exposure to risk asset classes, such as small-cap stocks or emerging markets.

Late last year, in our 2022 U.S. Retirement Market Outlook, we expressed our concern that investment returns might be lower over the next decade. This underscores the importance of diversifying your portfolio across asset classes and adjusting your allocation as necessary.

Asset allocation is key to the objective of long-term wealth creation. It entails dividing the portfolio and investing in a mix of different asset classes that are balanced against each other. This can help reduce risk, increase stability, and maximize returns over time.

In conclusion, adjusting your asset allocation as you near retirement is crucial for achieving your retirement goals. By balancing risk and reward, diversifying your portfolio, and adjusting your allocation over time, you can create a retirement portfolio that is both stable and profitable.

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