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Fidelity Automatic Investment: A Comprehensive Guide

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Learn about Fidelity's automated investment service and why it's a top choice.

description: a person sitting at a desk looking at a computer screen with the fidelity logo visible on the screen.

Fidelity Investments is among the top online brokerage platforms available, offering a comprehensive suite of tools, research, and investment options. One of its standout features is Fidelity Go, a robo-advisor service that helps investors automate their portfolio management. In this article, we'll take a closer look at Fidelity automatic investment and why it's a top choice for investors.

First, let's define what a robo-advisor is. A robo-advisor is a financial advisor that uses algorithms and computer programs to manage your investments. It's a hands-off approach to investing that can save time and money. The best robo-advisors offer low fees, flexible portfolio options, and advisor access. Our May list includes Betterment, Fidelity Go, Wealthfront, and Charles Schwab Intelligent Portfolios.

Fidelity Go stands out for its low fees and comprehensive investment strategy. The service charges an all-in fee of 0.35%, which includes both management fees and investment expenses. This fee is competitive with other robo-advisors and is significantly lower than traditional financial advisors. Additionally, Fidelity Go offers a range of investment options, including stocks, bonds, and ETFs, and uses tax-loss harvesting to minimize taxes.

To get started with Fidelity Go, investors need to answer a few questions about their financial goals and risk tolerance. Fidelity then creates a personalized investment portfolio based on those answers. The portfolio is then monitored and rebalanced as needed to keep it in line with the investor's goals.

One of the benefits of Fidelity Go is its integration with Fidelity's other investment tools. Fidelity offers a range of investment options, including mutual funds, ETFs, and individual stocks. Investors can easily transfer funds between their Fidelity accounts and Fidelity Go, making it easy to manage their investments in one place.

If you're looking to manage your own investments, Fidelity also offers a range of self-directed investment options. These options include traditional brokerage accounts, IRAs, and 401(k) rollovers. Fidelity's self-directed accounts offer access to a range of investment options, including stocks, bonds, and ETFs, and provide investors with research and analysis tools to help them make informed decisions.

If you're interested in automating your investments with Fidelity, the process is straightforward. First, you'll need to open a Fidelity account if you don't already have one. Then, navigate to the Fidelity Go page and answer a few questions about your financial goals and risk tolerance. Fidelity will then create a personalized investment portfolio for you, which you can review and adjust as needed.

When it comes to choosing a robo-advisor, it's important to consider fees, commissions, customer service offerings, and account minimums. Fidelity Go's 0.35% all-in fee is competitive with other robo-advisors, and Fidelity's customer service is highly rated. Additionally, Fidelity Go has no account minimum, making it accessible to a wide range of investors.

In addition to Fidelity Go, Fidelity offers a range of other investment services, including self-directed accounts, mutual funds, ETFs, and individual stocks. Fidelity's low-cost mutual fund lineups, in particular, have helped it become one of the world's leading brokerage firms. Vanguard and Fidelity are often compared, as both offer low-cost mutual funds and a range of investment options. However, Fidelity's integration with its other investment services sets it apart.

In conclusion, Fidelity automatic investment is a top choice for investors looking to automate their portfolio management. Fidelity Go offers low fees, a range of investment options, and integration with Fidelity's other investment services. Whether you're new to investing or an experienced investor, Fidelity's automated investment service is worth considering.

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