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Leith Wheeler Investment Counsel Proposes Investment Objective Change

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Leith Wheeler proposes changes to investment objectives of Leith Wheeler Fund.

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NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO UNITED STATES NEWSWIRE SERVICES OR FOR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATES / TORONTO, April 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Leith Wheeler Investment Counsel Ltd. ('Leith Wheeler') announced today its proposal to change the investment objectives of the Leith Wheeler Fund. The proposed changes will align the Fund's objectives with current market conditions and investment opportunities.

The Leith Wheeler Fund is a Canadian mutual fund that invests in a diversified portfolio of equity and fixed-income securities. The proposed changes will modify the Fund's investment objectives to allow for greater flexibility in asset allocation and security selection.

Leith Wheeler believes that the proposed changes will enhance the Fund's ability to generate long-term returns for its investors. The Fund's current investment objectives were established in 2012 and have not been updated since.

The proposed changes to the Fund's investment objectives include increasing the maximum allowable exposure to foreign securities, increasing the maximum allowable exposure to alternative investments, and adding new investment categories such as real estate and infrastructure.

The proposed changes are subject to approval by the Fund's investors and regulatory authorities. A meeting of the Fund's investors will be held in the coming months to vote on the proposed changes.

Leith Wheeler is a respected investment management firm based in Vancouver, Canada. The firm manages over $20 billion in assets on behalf of individuals, families, and institutions.

Investment objectives are an important consideration for investors when selecting investments. An investment objective is a statement of the investor's goals and objectives for the investment. Investment objectives can be short-term or long-term and can vary depending on the investor's risk tolerance and investment horizon.

Investors should consider their investment objectives carefully before investing. It is important to have a clear understanding of the risk associated with an investment and to have a plan in place for managing those risk.

In addition to investment objectives, investors should also consider their investment time horizon, risk tolerance, and diversification when building an investment portfolio. A well-diversified portfolio can help manage risk and potentially increase returns over the long-term.

Investors should also be prepared for market volatility. The stock market is known for its ups and downs and investors should be prepared for sudden market movements. Thematic funds have gained popularity in India, with asset management companies innovating in this space. Thematic funds look at different themes such as healthcare, technology, and infrastructure to generate returns.

In conclusion, Leith Wheeler Investment Counsel's proposal to change the investment objectives of the Leith Wheeler Fund reflects the firm's commitment to adapting to changing market conditions and investment opportunities. Investors should carefully consider their investment objectives, risk tolerance, and diversification when building an investment portfolio. Market volatility can put investors at risk, so it is important to have a plan in place for managing risk. Thematic funds can be a useful tool for generating returns in specific areas of the market.

Ticker: None mentioned.

leith wheelerinvestment objectivesmarket conditionsasset allocationsecurity selectionforeign securitiesalternative investmentsreal estateinfrastructurerisk toleranceinvestment horizondiversificationmarket volatilitythematic funds
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