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Advisor Group to Acquire Infinex Investments, Boosting Presence in Banks and Credit Unions

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Advisor Group plans to acquire Infinex Investments and its 750 financial advisers controlling over $30 billion in client assets.

an image of a group of financial advisers working together in a modern office space, with a banner in the background displaying the logos of advisor group and infinex investments.

Advisor Group announced on Thursday its plans to acquire Infinex Financial Holdings, a broker/dealer that currently supports more than 230 banks and credit unions across the United States. The acquisition is expected to close in the second quarter of 2021, pending regulatory approval.

With Infinex, Advisor Group will gain 750 financial advisers who control more than $30 billion in client assets. This will significantly boost Advisor Group's presence within banks and credit unions, which are important channels for financial advisers.

Infinex Investments Inc. was founded in 1993 and is headquartered in Meriden, Connecticut. It provides investment and insurance solutions to financial institutions, including banks and credit unions, through a network of independent financial advisers.

The acquisition of Infinex by Advisor Group is part of a trend of consolidation in the financial advisory industry. In recent years, larger firms have been acquiring smaller firms to gain scale and expand their reach.

According to a recent report by Cerulli Associates, Advisor Group surpassed LPL at the top of the list of the largest broker-dealers in the United States, with $268 billion in assets under administration. However, consolidation, complexity, and change remained the key themes in a highly competitive industry.

The acquisition of Infinex by Advisor Group is expected to enhance the services and support that Infinex provides to its financial advisers and clients. The acquisition will also enable Advisor Group to leverage Infinex's expertise in serving the needs of banks and credit unions.

The gender investment gap is slowly narrowing as women continue to become more knowledgeable and confident in their financial goals. However, women still face unique challenges when it comes to investing, such as earning less and taking time off work for caregiving responsibilities.

Infinex Investments is committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in the financial advisory industry. The company has a Women's Advisory Council and a Diversity and Inclusion Council to promote the recruitment, retention, and advancement of women and underrepresented groups in the industry.

Woodlands Investment Services, a trade name of Woodlands Bank, is proud to announce Erik Steinbacher as its Infinex financial adviser. Steinbacher has over 20 years of experience in the financial services industry and is committed to providing personalized and comprehensive financial planning services to his clients.

The acquisition of Infinex by Advisor Group is a significant development in the financial advisory industry. It demonstrates the ongoing trend of consolidation and the importance of scale and reach in the industry. The acquisition is expected to bring significant benefits to both Infinex and Advisor Group, as well as to their financial advisers and clients.

advisor groupinfinex investmentsfinancial advisersclient assetsbroker/dealerbankscredit unionsconsolidationdiversity and inclusionfinancial planning
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