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Novipax to Receive $51.6 Million Investment from Acon Investments

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Acon Investments to invest $51.6 million in Novipax's new factory.

A picture of the Acon Investments headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Chicago-area based Novipax announced that it plans to invest $51.6 million in a new factory in the city. The factory will create numerous jobs in the area, and the company is expecting to begin production in the coming year. The invest is coming from Acon invest, a Washington, D.C.-based international private equity invest firm. Acon invest has a long history of successful invest, and this is just another example of their commitment to the growth of businesses.

Acon invest was founded in 1989 by Peter A. Converse and has since grown to be one of the most successful private equity invest firms in the world. Acon invest has managed funds in a variety of industries, and they are well known for their long-term invest in companies that have potential for growth. With this invest in Novipax, Acon invest is demonstrating their commitment to the Chicago area.

Novipax is a leading manufacturer of food packaging products, and the new factory will allow them to expand their production capabilities. The factory will use the latest technology to ensure the highest quality products, and the company is expecting to create more than 200 jobs in the area. The invest from Acon invest will help to ensure the success of the new factory, and the company is expecting to begin production in the coming year.

This invest from Acon invest is yet another example of their commitment to invest in businesses with potential for growth. Acon invest has a long history of successful invest, and this is just the latest example of their commitment to the success of businesses.

This invest from Acon invest is great news for the Chicago area. The new factory will create numerous jobs in the area, and the company is expecting to begin production in the coming year. This is a great example of how private equity invest can help to create jobs and promote economic growth.

Acon invest is a Washington, D.C.-based international private equity invest firm that has a long history of successful invest. This invest in Novipax is just the latest example of their commitment to the growth of businesses, and it is great news for the Chicago area.

acon investmentsnovipaxinvestmentchicagoprivate equityfactoryjobseconomic growthNASDAQ:ACON
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